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User Management

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

The ngrok dashboard allows many users to be invited to the same account. Each user in the account will have the same account type and be able to start tunnels under that account. The dashboard includes role based access control (RBAC) as a way to limit what users have access to in the account. You can manage these roles and add more users to your account in the team members page of the dashboard. This is only available for paid plans.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

If you are an Enterprise customer, you have the option of enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for your users logging into the ngrok Dashboard. Account admins can find the configuration options under the "Settings > Account" in the left navigation once they log into the dashboard.

ngrok supports most SAML v2 compliant identity providers, including Okta and Microsoft AzureAD. To get started with the configuration, simply click on "+ New Identity Provider" and follow the instructions in the dashboard. ngrok supports multiple identity providers as well. If using multiple identity providers, the user will be prompted to choose one when logging in with SSO from the ngrok login page.

After configuring the correct information with your identity provider, you have the option to enable or disable logging in directly from your provider. This is helpful if your users want to jump directly to their ngrok account via a centralized location once they have logged into their identity provider.

You also have the option to choose how new users are added to the account. If you'd like new users to automatically be provisioned in the account when they log in, you can enable Just in Time (JiT) provisioning. This allows users to be added to your account when using the link from the identity provider. If you'd rather only allow invited users to join, you can select "Invite Only" which will require new users to be invited through the teams page before being added to the account.

ngrok supports two enforcement options once you have configured your identity provider. When testing and verifying the integration is working, it is helpful to enable"Mixed Mode", which will still allow you and the users of your account to log into the account using your previous credentials. Once you are satisfied that everything is working correctly, you can enable "SSO Enforced" mode which will require all users in the account to authenticate through one of the configured identity providers.

Bot Users

Bot Users are similar to Users but they are intended for automated systems that programmatically interact with your ngrok accounts either by starting ngrok Agents or making requests to the API.

Other platforms you may interact with sometimes call this concept a Service Account.

Bot Users differ from Users in a few important ways:

  • Bot Users may not log into the Dashboard
  • Bot Users may not be a member of more than one Account
  • If your Bot Users do not counta

Bot Users may be

  • Does not count as a standard user against your ngrok seat count
  • May be attached to services that consume ngrok platform resources and can trigger overages. These areas include metrics like bandwidth, total sessions and endpoints, auth tokens, API tokens, and more.
  • Has limited functionality
    • Cannot log into the ngrok Dashboard
    • Cannot be assigned or shared among multiple accounts
  • Has some great benefits
    • Credentials that are unique to a specific service or function instead of being connected to a person. A standard user may leave the account or want to rotate their credentials, and these actions should not impact production services running in ngrok.
    • Events are attributed to the Bot User and can help you better understand what a specific production service in ngrok is doing, even when there are multiple production services in the same account.
    • Can be deactivated to temporarily suspend all credentials associated with it
    • Can be deleted to immediately revoke and delete all credentials associated with it

What is a Bot User?

A Bot User is a service account that owns a set of credentials - authtokens, API keys, and SSH keys - independently of a person. You can see and manage your bot users in the ngrok Dashboard.

A Bot User:

  • Does not count as a standard user against your ngrok seat count
  • May be attached to services that consume ngrok platform resources and can trigger overages. These areas include metrics like bandwidth, total sessions and endpoints, auth tokens, API tokens, and more.
  • Has limited functionality
    • Cannot log into the ngrok Dashboard
    • Cannot be assigned or shared among multiple accounts
  • Has some great benefits
    • Credentials that are unique to a specific service or function instead of being connected to a person. A standard user may leave the account or want to rotate their credentials, and these actions should not impact production services running in ngrok.
    • Events are attributed to the Bot User and can help you better understand what a specific production service in ngrok is doing, even when there are multiple production services in the same account.
    • Can be deactivated to temporarily suspend all credentials associated with it
    • Can be deleted to immediately revoke and delete all credentials associated with it

When should I use a Bot User?

A Bot User is the best suited to own the credentials of shipped products, devices, and integrations in production. The ideal flow is a credential you can associate with a specific task, keep active, and can rotate on a predictable schedule because it is unique to that integration, service, or function.

When should I not use a Bot User?

A Bot User is very useful, but it is not a good subsitute for a standard ngrok User. When a developer is building with ngrok they may need to rotate credentials after adding them to a build environment or accidentally committing them to a repository. The developer needs to be able to use the ngrok dashboard to see endpoint status, make configuration changes, and manage their own credentials, which a Bot User cannot do.

What happens when I delete a Bot User?

When you delete a Bot User, all credentials owned the user are immediately revoked and deleted. You cannot restore deleted credentials and if this happens you should create new credentials under a new or existing bot user.

Can I move my former employees credentials (API keys, authtokens, SSH keys) to a Bot User?

Credentials are assigned an owner when they are created and the owner cannot be changed. Access the ngrok Dashboard to create a new bot user.

How come I didn't know ngrok had Bot Users?

We are continuously improving the ngrok platform with new features! We launched Bot Users in early 2023 and are excited to see our customers adopt this functionality.